We are proud and thrilled to tell you that Colombian/US activist, psychologist and THEATER OF THE OPPRESSED PRACTITIONER, Hector Aristizábal, is coming to Denmark!!! We met Hector in New York and again in Oslo and was so moved and inspired by his work that we wanted to bring him to Denmark. And now you can meet him too!
With his passionate, honest, and creative approach, Hector creates a space where people dare try new things and go beyond themselves. He is dedicated to helping communities transform by engaging in what really matters for them – whether he is working with gang members in LA, process facilitators in Norway, or citizens in Ukraine – which is exactly why we wanted to bring him to Denmark.
How can the joker create an environment that encourages genuine curiosity for what really matters to participants? We will explore the art of jokering as a facilitator/dificultator, as the one who ask questions from a place of not-knowing yet wanting to know. .
The course will emphasize aesthetic dialogues, non-verbal imagery, collective problem solving processes, as well as techniques for developing awareness and confronting both external and internalized forms of oppression. Against the background of the Theater of the Oppressed developed by Augusto Boal in the 1960s, Hector will help us play games, develop and explore scenes from our lives and learn how to facilitate/joker the process in ways that support people to go beyond themselves.
The course will be in English and is open to everyone regardless of prior experience as we strive to gather as diverse a group as possible.
Best regards from the organizing team,
Hector Aristizábal, Psychologist, Joker. Actor and Activist. Founder and Creative Director. at ImaginAction.
Heidi Vesterkilde Andersen, Anthropologist, Consultant and Joker.
Esben Wilstrup, Psychologist, Consultant and Director at lnstitut for performance & udvikling.
Time: 9AM to 5PM on Saturday May 10 AND Sunday May 11.
Place: Dansk Skuespillerforbund, Tagensvej 85, 2nd floor, 2200 København N
Cost for 2 days of training, lunch and refreshments:
1100DKK if you pay for yourself.
800DKK if you’re a student/unemployed/senior citizen.
(The course is non-profit, the organizers work for free, and the money goes to cover the expenses of travel, the venue, and to finance Hectors work in other countries.)
Sign up for the course by sending your name, profession, telephone number, email, and food or health concerns toheidivesterkilde@gmail.c
Questions? Contact Heidi Vesterkilde Andersen by tel +45 29464698 or email: heidivesterkilde@gmail.com