Teatro ritual con Héctor Aristizábal: Morir antes de morir
El ritual es una acto simbólico a través del cual la humanidad, a lo largo de los tiempos, ha intentado descifrar el MISTERIO. Es...
Story Lab: Webinar
Story Lab is a set of 44 cards, a simple and powerful tool in the hands of those who facilitate groups, those who work...
Story Lab: Webinar (Italiano)
Story Lab è un set di 44 carte, uno strumento, semplice e potente, nelle mani di chi facilita gruppi, chi lavora in ambito sociale, educativo,...
Nurturing Community and Creativity with Story Lab
Join a gathering of storytelling and creative exchange to foster a sense of community and unleash your creativity; open for all ages. Eventbrite link...
Global Mentoring Program – Module III – Going Forth
September 27th 2023 – December 6th 2023 ImaginAction recognizes that the qualities of a good facilitator or leader are essentially relational and take time...
Global Mentoring Program – Module II – Reconnection
June 26th 2023 – July 2nd 2023 Designing and effectively facilitating reconnective experiences is one of those things books can’t teach you; it...
Global Mentoring Program – Module I – Awareness
January 25th 2023 – June 7th 2023 ImaginAction mentoring program comes as a response to the deep crisis our societies and education system are...
Body Dialogue
FREE 4-SESSION GROUP MEETING on EMBODIMENT AND SOCIETAL ISSUES BY ANTHONY DONOHUE Join the first meeting on Wednesday, September 14th to discover! ...
ECO-FORUM- THEATRE MODULE APPLIED THEATRE AND SOCIAL ARTS CERTIFICATE Explore an Ecosystem-centred approach to Forum Theatre to cultivate dialogue for more resilient communities....
“Dear global citiZen, you are invited today to speak for and with the land and speak on behalf of future generations of all...
Data Science and Fake News
Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris itae erat conuat
Welcome to the Labyrinth – A conversation with Uri and Ron
This is a time of great challenge. Fear, disorientation, polarization, and fragmentation are everywhere. It is also a time of great opportunity. A time...
This Critical Moment – a free 4-session workshop on gender and environmental care online
A Workshop Series on Gender and the Environment (all are welcome)
ImaginAction Programs 2021-22
ImaginAction is always creating new programs in which to explore and implement embodied practices of Social Arts in hybrid and inter-cultural contexts. In 2022,...
Circles of Resilience meets ImaginAction
On the 2nd and 6th of October 2021 (3 pm to 5 pm CEST / 9 am to 11 am EST ) Find the...
Playing the Script workshop created as a collective response to a CALL FOR SCRIPTS: EMOS Playwrights Festival 2022 and the upcoming participation of Voicing...
Change the Money Game – ONLINE
A workshop to transform our relationship in the current economy and the money games we play. — What is this about? What beliefs did...
LOVE-Storm in Network
LOVE Storm in Network Giovedì 3 giugno 2021, ore 18-19,30, via zoom Presentazione del progetto “LOVE Storm” & Condivisione di sfide, sogni e possibilità nel contrasto ai discorsi e fenomeni...
Storie che riconnettono – SEMINARIO – MAGGIO
“Storie che riconnettono” è un laboratorio e una metodologia viva in evoluzione. Radicato nell’esperienza decennale di TheAlbero, è nato durante il primo lockdown (marzo 2020) sperimentando le...
Storie che riconnettono – SEMINARIO SHORT
Esploriamo le possibilità di riconnessione, condivisione, consapevolezza e conoscenza che offre il laboratorio “Storie che riconnettono”, integrando diversi linguaggi (corporeo, narrativo, poetico, visuale). Giovedì...
MARCH 3rd, 2021 The Labyrinth of Community QnA
Explore dreams, visions, through embodiment transforming intentions into concrete action. This is a time of great challenge. Fear, disorientation, polarization, and fragmentation are everywhere. It is...
CELEBRATE 21 – ImaginAction Is Celebrating a New Year
To Celebrate to the passage of 2020 to 2021 ImaginAction is offering Social Arts Practices, Stories, Songs, to celebrate the harvest of 2020 and...
Storie che riconnettono – cerchio donne 2021
Un laboratorio dedicato alle Donne per esplorare i Passaggi Femminili, attraverso le storie, le immagini, i suoni e il movimento corporeo. *In questa edizione...
Territorio Sagrado
Will coexistence be possible between victims, ex-guerrillas, ex-paramilitaries, ethnic communities, LGBTI sectors, entrepreneurs, environmentalists, among other groups that often seem so radically different? What might...
Meet Colabo.Flow – a new powerful tool to connect your online workshops to the real world
– Have you been organizing workshops and facilitating communities and groups during COVID-19? – Are you interested in ways theatre and social arts practices...
Unlock the News Jam Sessions
Unlock the News Jam Session in reStarting again Saturday 12th December at 2 pm UTC A lot of very exciting progress has been made...
Join in creating a new Vision for ImaginAction: Creating a hub for Social Arts Across Borders. We launch our intention on Giving Tuesday 2020,...
Social Arts Practice Group
The space is intended for any person that is interested to get new tools to make “visible the invisible” aspects of social reality, to...
La Tierra como Espejo: facilitación del desarrollo humano tangible e intengible
¡Ecolaboramos para un futuro que ya está presente! Hacemos campo en el sujeto para promover una ética social, económica y tecnológica sostenible e integrada....
Social Arts Practice Group
Please register using this form Por favor, regístrese usando este formulario Si prega di registrarsi utilizzando questo modulo How can theatre allow us to make “visible...
Offers and Needs Market – Joker Exchange Online
An Online “Offers and Needs Market” (offersandneeds.com) to find possible synergies and new connections within the global networks of Theatre of the Oppressed, Social...
Stories that reconnect: see with new eyes
ENGLISH Segue in Italiano January 2020, I am going to open a new online space for listening, awareness and imagination. I will bring forth the...
Unlock the News Jam Sessions
Join Unlock the News Jam Sessions to explore Newspaper Theatre in the 21st century and discover new ways to support community well-being, and facilitate theatre online and offline. The Jam...
This Critical Moment – A W’shop Series on Gender and the Environment
Join Australian activist and Chalmers scholar and educator Dr. Paul M. Pulé for a 4-session Zoom series exploring business, science and technology at this...
The Future of Education and Learning in Africa – Webinar
Hope Builders International Consult will be hosting a webinar on the future of Education in Africa. The Webinar will explore Skills and how schools...
Storie che riconnettono – cerchio di donne – online
Durante il lockdown di primavera in Italia, un cerchio di donne si è incontrato online, attraverso le storie. È stato un percorso emozionante e sorprendente....
ImaginAction Launch Party
ImaginAction is a US-based non-profit and an international network of practitioners. Following and responding to the emerging global crisis resulting from COVID-19 we are...