Topanga Dare’ Healing Circle
Performance of NightWind
April 25th, 2.30pm
actor, human rights activist and Daré member
Hector Aristizabal
in his performance of
Sunday, April 25
2:30 to 5:00 p.m.
at Deena Metzger & Michael Ortiz Hills’ home in Topanga, CA
Nightwind is Hector’s channeling of “terroristic” energy
into creativity and constructive action.
In this powerful 30-minute piece, Hector retells his story,
using only his lived experience and a few pieces of black cloth.
After the performance Hector will lead the audience
in a dynamic, cathartic meditation.
To make your reservation,
please email Danelia Wild – – or call her at 310-815-1060
We will email address & directions upon receipt of your reservation
Donation requested to benefit Hector and his work
(Note: Performance begins at 2:30, but audience members
may arrive as early as 2:15 p.m.)