Hector Aristizabal to facilitate: The Other-Transforming dehumanization through Theatre of the Oppressed-Oslo-February7-10
About the workshop:…
Collective imagination has been captured most recently by the Idle No More movement in Canada, the Occupy movement in the US, the Indignados movement in Spain and the many expressions of the Arab spring. In our four day exploration the workshop will examine what role can theatre play in times of social and political upheaval?
Hector Aristizábal, theater maker, psychologist and activist against torture, has founded the ImaginAction network in Los Angeles in order to utilize the transformational forces of theater for community building and in processes of self-empowerment. Against the background of the Theater of the Oppressed developed by Augusto Boal in the 1960s, Aristizábal will join the workshop participants to develop scenes from concrete life experiences, looking for ways to connect individual modes of acting with the global movements for radical political change as experienced in the film festival.
We will explore our own definitions of “The Other” and how we dehumanize ourselves by dehumanizing other people. The interactive approach of the workshop emphasizes aesthetic dialogues, non-verbal imagery, consensus-building and collective problem solving processes, as well as techniques such as “rainbow of desire” and “cops in the head” for developing awareness and confronting both external and internalized forms of oppression.
The workshop is organised through a collaboration between ImaginAction and Human Rights Human Wrongs Documentary Film Festival.
Dates: Friday 7th -Monday 10th February Time: 09-17 Where: Sentralen Adress: Øvre Slottsgate 3, Oslo Cost: 1000,- Nok for students – 1600,-Nok. for non students Bring your own lunch. Book your ticket at https://www.deltager.no/toworkshop First come, first served.
Short bio on Hector Aristizábal:
Aristizábal was born and raised in Medellín, Colombia, when it was the most dangerous city in the world. He worked his way out of poverty to become a theatre artist and pioneering psychologist with a Masters degree from Antioquia University, then survived civil war, arrest and torture at the hands of the US-supported military.
In 1989, violence and death threats forced him to leave his homeland. Since arriving in the US, he has won acclaim and awards as an artist and also received a second Masters degree, in Marriage and Family Therapy, leading him to combine his training in psychology and the arts with lessons gained from his therapeutic work with torture and trauma survivors, incarcerated youth, immigrant families, and people affected by HIV/AIDS.
As an activist, he uses theatrical performance for community building and reconciliation, inviting participants to explore embodied knowledge, challenge the inevitability of violence, and use their imaginations for a more just and joyous life for all people.
Dates: Friday 7th -Monday 10th February Time: 09-17 Where: Sentralen Adress: Øvre Slottsgate 3, Oslo Cost: 1000,- Nok for students – 1600,-Nok. for non students Bring your own lunch. Book your ticket at https://www.deltager.no/
Short bio on Hector Aristizábal:
Aristizábal was born and raised in Medellín, Colombia, when it was the most dangerous city in the world. He worked his way out of poverty to become a theatre artist and pioneering psychologist with a Masters degree from Antioquia University, then survived civil war, arrest and torture at the hands of the US-supported military.
In 1989, violence and death threats forced him to leave his homeland. Since arriving in the US, he has won acclaim and awards as an artist and also received a second Masters degree, in Marriage and Family Therapy, leading him to combine his training in psychology and the arts with lessons gained from his therapeutic work with torture and trauma survivors, incarcerated youth, immigrant families, and people affected by HIV/AIDS.
As an activist, he uses theatrical performance for community building and reconciliation, inviting participants to explore embodied knowledge, challenge the inevitability of violence, and use their imaginations for a more just and joyous life for all people.