Swarthmore College
The William J. Cooper Foundation/Swarthmore College presents
A Cooper Series Serendipity EventNightwind/ Theater of the Oppressed
Solo performance and workshop by Hector Aristizabal
Friday April 24th
at 7 p.m.
Saturday April 25th
“Introduction to Theater Of The Oppressed”
An tortured survivor based in Los Angeles, Hector Aristizabal performs and teaches Theater of the Oppressed, a vehicle for social and individual empowerment developed by Brasilian Augusto Boal.
Aristizabal will perform Nightwind, exploring his experiences of arrest and torture in Colombia. He will also conduct a workshop on Theater of the Oppressed with storytelling, song, dance, drumming, and theater techniques to help participants explore their own histories and develop their capacities as artists and activists. All are welcome-students, faculty and staff members, and arts and activist groups.