STORY LAB: Webinar
Unlocking the power of imagination and storytelling to promote creativity, listening, sharing, and reconnection.
*limited discounted early bird tickets are available. Write to
“In the past, I wrote that to be human is to be a theater. I would now like to expand the concept: to be human is to be an artist! Art and aesthetics are tools of freedom” (Augusto Boal)
From the action-research of the artistic collective TheAlbero, “Story Lab” was born, a set of 44 cards, a simple and powerful tool, in the hands of those who facilitate groups, those who work in social, educational, and cultural fields.
The research began in the wake of Augusto Boal’s latest reflections on the aesthetics of the oppressed, combining the exploration of Uri Noy Meir’s participatory photography with the exploration of Ilaria Olimpico’s participatory storytelling.
Our experience is told in the collection curated and published by Hjalmar Jorge Joffre-Eichhorn “Ensayando el despertar: Miradas movilizadoras desde el pluriverso del Teatro del Oprimido”, edited by Hjalmar Jorge Joffre-Eichhorn (2019) Hamburg. Our text is one of the 45 texts written by more than 66 practitioners of the Theatre of the Oppressed and Theatre for Living from 30+ countries.
Over the years, our research has been nourished by other methodologies, such as Work that Reconnects, Social Presencing Theatre and Theory U, Focusing, Dragon Dreaming and Ritual Theatre, and, of course, from our personal experience.
Our methodological research is called “Theatre and Stories that Reconnect” (TStR). To learn more, you can explore here: (currently in English). Story Lab is a tool of TStR.
We use it to unlock the power of imagination and storytelling, promote creativity, listening and sharing, and reconnect with oneself, others, and nature/Life. We had the opportunity to present Story Lab in London to a fantastic international group! Practitioners of TDO, such as Tony Cealy, Francesco Argenio Benaroio, Elena Dina Boukouvala, Mark Weinberg, Greg Ryan, and Roshini Sridhar, also participated.
We want to invite you to the webinar course online on how to use Story Lab, and in general, on how to work combining storytelling, visual and bodily language, on the following date:
28 May 2024, 1,30 -3 pm (Rome time)
Take your ticket here
*limited discounted early bird tickets are available. Write to