Radical Philosophy Conference: San Francisco
Radical Philosophy Association Eighth Biennial Conference
San Francisco State University, November 6-9, 2008
Conference Program Schedule
Session C: Friday, 8:45—10:30 am
F-7 Performance: Nightwind —Hector Aristizábal
Performance: Nightwind, a solo dramatic performance by Hector Aristizábal
In Nightwind, Hector Aristizábal recreates the scenario in which he was tortured in his home in Colombia in 1989 for human rights advocacy. They story of the play continues as after his release, he witnessed the killings of many of his friends. In exile in the United States, he noticed that his taxes were funding the war in Iraq including torture at Abu Ghraib and the continued bloodshed in his country. When Aristizábal’s brother was abducted and killed by the paramilitary, his own rage and desire for violent revenge was awakened—what he calls “the terrorist within.” Inspired by his own young children, the play shows how he finds ways to re-channel this terroristic energy into constructive action. After the performance, (about 30 minutes), Hector will process the performance with the audience with dynamic meditation, image theatre, and discussion, challenging us to consider how thought, action, and performance have to be united in order to be worthwhile and effective.
Biographical and other information: A recent interview Hector did related to Nightwind and to his other work can be found here: http://www.pittsburghagainsttorture.org/hector_video.
Hector Aristizábal is part of the board of directors of PTV, The Program For Tortured Victims located in Los Angeles, and the oldest program of its kind in the US. He is also part of TASSC, The Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition, located in Washington DC. Hector is the Founder and Artistic Director of ImaginAction.