Chetna Mehrotra
Chetna was born and raised in the sylvan valley of Dehradun ( North India).
She is an Image Expression Artist, an Applied Theatre practitioner, a Drama Based Learning facilitator, a TO (Theatre of Oppressed) practitioner, Playback Theatre practitioner, and a Movement practitioner.
She is a Board member of International Playback Theatre Network (IPTN) and Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed (PTO) – Board member, Women Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry ( Education – Maharashtra, India), and a Director India Drama and Arts Educators Alliance.
She is a presenter, coach & consultant, specializing in appearance, behaviour, communications, and works with individuals, organizations & educational institutes.
Chetna has trained participants across borders and has been published by Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Journal. She is on the review panel of RiDE – Research in Drama Education (The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance).
She is a certified image consultant and has done workshops for over 400 teachers on Image Management. She uses methods like using Drama for Learning, Theatre of the Oppressed, Playback Theatre, Body movement and more to create learning spaces for children, teachers, corporate audience, women, men and senior citizens.
She has an incredible amount of experience in Applied Theatre which applies principles of the performance space to the enable transformation of individuals, communities and society at large. Her work stems from the belief that theatre is not just to entertain but a medium to empower, disturb and evolve. She is one of the leading practitioners in this emerging field in India and works extensively in learning & development and training.
She lovess to dance to Bollywood songs! Anytime! Anywhere.