London, Ontario – May 19-28
May 19-21 – London District Catholic School Board Program for Suspended and Expelled Students
Hector will faciliate workshops for students who have been suspended or expelled to identify and examine issues in their lives that affect their ability to be successful in the school system. This program is being funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education “Speak Up” grant.
May 24-28 – WOTCH- My Sister’s Place Transitional Support for women who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
Over 5 days, Hector will facilitate workshops with women to identify scenes and images of oppression in their lives and will invite audiences to create dynamic and creative solutions to complex problems. The scenes will later be performed in the community and at the Sept. 25, 2010 Day of Peace and May 9-11, 2011 at the conference, “All our Sisters”, an international conference on women and homelessness taking place in London, Ontario.