ImaginAction in Rome Nov 25,26,27
Life is a ring
that we can tranform with ImaginAction
A 3 days unique Community Theatre training
with Hector AristizábalRome – 25, 26, 27 NovemberPalestra popolare @ Centro sociale Spartaco
via Treviri, Roma (Metro stop Numidio Quadrato)
The workshopTe Teatre of the Oppressed (TO) method embraces the idea that a community is a large, living organism and uses the language of theater to help that organism symbolize and tell its own stories. Once the story is acted on the stage, the living community engages in interactive, Forum Teatre, creating a true community-based dialogue.Hector AristizábalHector Aristizábal was born and raised in Medellín, Colombia when it was the most dangerous city in the world. Being socially and politically active he was arrested by the military. He surived torture and was compelled to leave the country.Price: 150 euro
Participants will be trained in some of the techniques of TO, such as theatre forum, story telling, rainbow of desires, jockering, tableaux vivants, council circle.
Since arriving in the United States, he started to combine his training in psychology and the arts with lessons gained from life experience in his therapeutic work with torture and trauma survivors, incarcerated youth, immigrant families, and people afected by HIV/AIDS.
He founded ImaginAction to help people tap the transformative power of theatre in programs throughout the US, Latin America, Europe and around the world, as far afeld as Afghanistan, India, and Palestine, for community building and reconciliation, strategizing, and individual healing and liberation. Trough experiential workshops, theater performances and other creative events, ImaginAction invites participants to explore embodied knowledge, challenge the inevitability of violence, and use their imaginations for a more just and joyous life for all people.
For information and booking: Diego Galli +393470918518 –
La vita è un Ring
che possiamo trasformare con
Training di Teatro dell’ Oppresso
con Hector Aristizábal
Roma, 25, 26 e 27 novembre
Palestra Popolare c/o Centro sociale Spartaco
via Treviri (Fermata metro Numidio Quadrato)
Il Teatro dell’oppresso è una filosofia teatrale che comprende differenti tecniche create dal regista brasiliano Augusto Boal. L’obiettivo di fornire strumenti di cambiamento personale, sociale e politico per tutti coloro si trovino in situazioni di oppressione. Ispirato alle idee di Paulo Freire, il TdO nascein Brasile a partire dagli anni ‘60 in un clima di lotte operaie e contadine. In origine questo metodo era un mezzo per renderecoscienti le persone rispetto ai conflitti sociali. Nel suo passaggio in Europa il teatro dell’oppresso è statoutilizzato per lavorare sui conflitti personali. Il teatro e la recitazionehanno qui il fine di rappresentare le oppressioni quotidiane conl’intento di trovare strategie per la trasformazione dei conflitti. Uno dei motivi della popolarità del TdO è l’idea di attivare lo spettatore ponendolo al centro del lavoro teatrale, al fine di includere differenti rappresentazioni della realtà ed esplorarnepossibili trasformazioni in forma creativa e socializzata.
Hector Aristizábal è nato e cresciuto in Colombia. Ha studiato teatro e psicologia all’Antioquia University. Sopravvissuto alla tortura dei militari è costretto in esilio negli USA.Grazie al teatro è riuscito a trasformare il trauma e il desiderio di vendetta in un’azione sociale costruttiva.Utilizzando le sue esperienze di vita, le sue competenze teatrali e di terapeuta lavora con impegno nelle scuole come nelle carceri, in situazione di forte disagio sociale:con le vittime della tortura e quelle della discriminazione sessuale, con attivisti politici, operatori sociali e migranti.Ha fondato ImaginAction per diffondere il suo metodo in tutti gli Stati Uniti, in America Latina e altri paesi del mondo tra cui Afghanistan, Israele e India.
La formazione è intensiva si articola su tre giornate :
Venerdì 25 Novembre dalle h 9,30 alle 18,00 Sabato 26 Novembre dalle h 9,30 alle 20,00 Domenica 27 Novembre dalle h 9,30 alle 20,00 Il corso si basa sull’approfondimento delle teniche del TdO (teatro forum, arcobaleno del desiderio e flic dans la tete)e tecniche di conduzione del joker.La Formazione avverrà in inglese con traduzione in italiano
Costo del corso: 150 euro
info e iscrizioni: Giusi 3392244327 –
Theatre of the Oppressed workshop facilitated by Hector Aristizabal Rome: 25/26/27 november Palestra Popolare c/o Centro sociale Spartaco via Treviri (nearest metro station Numidio Quadrato)
Theatre of the Oppressed is a way of practicing theatre that brings together different techniques, which have been systematized by the Brazilian director Augusto Boal. The aim of such theatre is to provide the tools for personal, social and political change for anyone who is living through situations of oppression. Inspired by the ideas of Paulo Freire, the Theatre of the Oppressed was created in Brazil in the 60s during a period of workers’ and peasants’ protests. At the beginning this method was used as a means to increase people’s awareness of social conflicts.During its European developments (when Boal had fled to France due to the dictatorship in Brazil), the Theatre of the Oppressed was also used to explore and work on personal/interior conflicts. The theatrical scenes and improvisations here have the objective of representing the daily oppressions that have the aim to find strategies for transforming conflicts.
One of the reasons why Theatre of the Oppressed is so popular is the idea of activating the spectators by placing them at the centre of the theatrical work, in order to include as many different representations of reality as possible and explore possible transformations in a creative and social form.
Hector Aristizábal was born and raised in Colombia, where he studied theatre and psychology in the University of Antioquia.
He survived the tortures of the army and was forced to seek refuge in the USA.
Thanks to theatre he managed to transform his trauma and his desire for vengeance into social constructive action.
Taking inspiration from his life experiences, his theatrical and therapeutic competencies, his work nowadays is applied to a variety of different contexts, from schools to prisons, in situations of social unrest:
with victims of torture and of sexual discrimination, with political activists, social operators and migrants.
He founded ImaginAction to share his method with other groups of people all over the US, in Latin America and other countries such as Afghanistan, Israel and India.
The workshop is an intensive training organized in three consecutive days:
Friday 25th November 9.30am to 6pm
Saturday 26th November 9.30am to 8pm
Sunday 27th November 9.30am to 8pm
The course will be focusing on a further elaboration of Theatre of the Oppressed techniques (forum theatre, rainbow of desires and flic dans la tête) and Jokering techniques.
The workshop will be held in English,
with simultaneous translation in Italian.
Cost of the workshop: 150 euro
info and enrollments: Giusi 3392244327 –