Hector Aristizabal’s Pre-Conference Workshop at PEDAGOGY AND THEATRE OF THE OPPRESSED CONFERENCE 2013
Pre-Conference Workshop
From Desire Into Action: Theatre of the Oppressed and Radical Transformation
With Hector Aristizábal
Dates: Tuesday, June 25 – Thursday, June 27
Cost: $300
Registration for this workshop is not yet open. Please stay tuned.
As Theatre of the Oppressed practitioners, we tend to see ourselves as agents of social change; however we often neglect to engage in our own internal transformation. In this three-day workshop, we will use Boal’s rich methods – from Forum to Rainbow – to explore our personal lives and the lives of those we love in order to best serve our commitment to social change and radical activism. From Desire Into Action uses theatre to weave the invisible threads that link us to others dancing at the edge of the personal as political. Unlike therapy, which focuses on individual healing, this workshop will open a ritual space for community healing as we commit with one another to transforming our desires for change into action.
More info about the conference:
19th Annual Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Conference
At Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, USA
June 27 – 30, 2013