Hector Aristizabal receives the Otto Award for Political Theater!
Dear friends of ImaginAction, we are happy to share with you that our Artistic Director, Hector Aristizabal, has received the Otto René Castillo Award for Political Theatre. The Otto Awards were established in 1998 to recognize and support the ongoing development of political theatre internationally. The Awards Committee, made up of past recipients, recommend a slate of honorees each year, and Hector’s work was selected for recognition on May 20, 2012.
Over the years such politically engaged theatre companies and artists as Laurie Anderson, Bread and Puppet Theater, Ed Bullins, Joseph Chaikin, Kathleen Chalfant, the Living Theatre, Charles Mee, Richard Schechner, Split Britches, Ellen Stewart, El Teatro Campesino, and Robert Wilson, among many others, have received Otto Awards in recognition of their cutting-edge and/or community-based work.
The Ottos are produced by the Castillo Theatre, one of the programs of the All Stars Project, a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting human development through the use of performance, on and off stage. In addition to Castillo’s 27-year history of producing cutting-edge, experimental, socially relevant theatre, the All Stars creates outside-of-school educational and performing arts activities for tens of thousands of poor and minority young people.
The awards ceremony will take place on Sunday, May 20, 2012 at the All Stars Project’s performance and education center, located on West 42nd Street in Manhattan.