FORMAAT MasterClass, Rotterdam, The Netterlands, 3’7 and 3’8’09
Masterclass and performance
with Hector Aristízabal
Saturday and Sunday, March 7-8, 2009
11 am – 5 pm on both days
8 pm on Saturday, March 7
Formaat, Workplace for Participatory Drama,
Westzeedijk 513, 3024 EL Rotterdam
€ 275,00 for both days, payable in advance
To book a place on the masterclass, just fill in the booking form (you
can download the form on and sent it as soon as
possible to:
Oostkousdijk 9c, 3024 CK Rotterdam, Netherlands
Per Fax: +31 10 452 54 65
Per Email:
Further information: T: +31 10 452 40 45