Learn and practice the Art and Science of Reconnecting with Self, Others, and Nature.
This an invitation to facilitation workshops introducing the Theatre that ReConnects, a Social Arts on created with the horizon of reconnection to the self, others, and Nature. ‘Theatre that ReConnects’ is inspired by the ‘Work that Reconnects’ (WTR), a practice born of the teachings and experiential methods developed by Joanna Macy and collaborators, which: “builds motivation, creativity, courage and solidarity for the transition to a sustainable human culture”. In the session, we share a framework and creative research tools that are part of the ongoing and emerging Theatre that ReConnects action research. It is a deep dive and an aesthetical experience of the WTR Spiral, mature eyes, and share it more openly and widely with the world.
Why Theatre that ReConnects and why now?
We live in a time of systemic crisis that asks for a paradigmatic change, an ancient-new culture, and consciousness awaiting to arise. Art and theatre provide ways for personal and social transformation from a power-over society towards a life-sustaining culture of peace. We see Theatre that ReConnects as a research tool to understand better the patterns that support collective wellbeing, and can cultivate essential social skills such as deep listening, creativity, and empathy.
Who is Theatre that ReConnects for?
We see and envision Theatre that ReConnects growing as a helpful framework and method for action research that can support educators, caregivers, teachers, social researchers, coaches, consultants, and group facilitators. It is for you if you are looking for creative tools to tackle the challenge of climate justice and
Where does Theatre that ReConnects come from?
The knowledge, experience, and tools of Theatre that Re-connects come from diverse sources, the Work that Reconnects, Theatre of the Oppressed, Participatory Arts, Storytelling, Focusing, Dragon Dreaming, and Social Presencing Theatre. It results from a decade of integration work and action research of TheAlbero Collective Founders and ImaginAction Social Arts Facilitators Ilaria Olimpico and Uri Noy Meir.