CTO RIO Needs our help.
Dear Friends of Imaginaction and of Theatre of the oppressedĀ please read this letter from Barbara Santos of the Center For Theatre of The Oppressed Rio de Janeiro describing the difficult situation that they are confronting at this time.
Dear friends,
I just arrive in Berlin and try to face the deep sadness I brought with me. Try to accept this new reality and find the way again.
Years ago Boal offered me his hand to help me to see behind the wall. Afterwards, to jump the wall. And after that to break it down and use the material to build up a bridge. During almost nineteen years I was offering my hand to support him in everything that I could. Saturday, May 9th, with the power from this long partnership I did shout out the text from this CTO campaign in front of hundreds people: friends, colleagues, BoalĀ“s family, partners and authorities.
For the whole CTO team was a really hard decision to start this campaign because we were working since October 2008 to avoid it. Boal had a personal contacts with Tarso Genro the Brazilian Minister of Justice. I had a personal contact with Gilberto Carvalho the most close Lula assistant in the government and several meetings in BrasĆlia, Brazilian Capital, with members of National Prisons Department, include with its General Director, together of CTO Lawyer. CecĆlia Boal had a personal contact with Lula the Brazilian President some days ago.
Even that, since February 2009 CTO had its accounts blocked which created a lot of practical and economical problems. At the moment we want keep the FOCUS on this specific campaign as we wrote in the letter: send messages to press the Minister of Justice and get money to make this absurd deposit for the National Prisons Department, opening of the judicial proceedings against them and prevent the disastrous financial consequences arising from this blocking of funds.
The whole information about this process will be available in CTO homepage www.ctorio.org.br this Monday (May 18th.)Ā For the *International Theatre of the Oppressed Conference* which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, this July 20-26, we sent proposals for several partners in Brazil who are analyzing the possibilities to help us in this special event. We will very carefully evaluate the international feedback and make our
decisions transparent to everybody.
Best Regards,
BƔrbara Santos
Centro de Teatro do Oprimido
*To donate via Pay Pal: *
http://www.paypal.com and then: click “send money”;
designate the sending of funds to apoioCTO@gmail.com;
insert the amount to be donated;
click “services/other” and then continue.
*To make a Bank Transfer*
Centro de Teatro do Oprimido
Banco do Brasil – 01
AgĆŖncia: CinelĆ¢ndia 0392-1
Conta PoupanƧa: 18.075- 0, Variation 01
*Suggested text:*
Dear Sir Minister of Justice of Brazil
As a collaborator and admirer of the Theatre of the Oppressed, created by the great Augusto Boal,
UNESCO World Theatre Ambassador, and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, I wish to register my indignations
about the treatment handed out by the DEPEN, the National Prisons Department, to the Centre of the
Theatre of the Oppressed in Rio, of which he was the artistic director.
The CTO signed agreement MJ 045/2002 with the DEPEN, and had its accounts approved in 2003.
What has now happened, in an improper judgement of ////autotutela// (the procedure whereby the tax authorities cancel previous measures that were issued incorrectly), those accounts have been rejected, five years after the event, overriding the rule of law, in particular the concept of juridical security.
This rejection imposes the unsustainable burden of the payment of a sum which the CTO does not have available, for which reason the continuity of the work of Augusto Boal in Brazil is under threat.
Faced with this, I ask you to seek a resolution of this issue, with the reinstatement of the approval of accounts agreed in 2003 and the immediate exclusion of the name of the CTO from the register of incompetences of the federal government (SIAF).
With concern,
*Messages should be sending to: *
Minister of Justice:
Tarso Genro gabinetedoministro@mj.gov.br
General Director of DEPEN:
Airton Michels airton.michels@mj.gov.br
Director of Penitentiary Policies of DEPEN:
AndrĆ© LuĆs Cunha andre.cunha@mj.gov.br
If possible, we would like to request that you send us copies of the messages sent to the addresses listed
above to our own campaign’s address: campanhavivacto@gmail.com