International Youth Training in Belgium, july 18-28
Summer Camp in Belgium, july 18-28
Hector Aristizábal will work in collaboration with U Move 4 Peace and the European Union
U Move 4 Peace, the youth movement Pax Christi Vlaanderen (Belgium), Sadaka Reut (Israel) Sintem (Chechnya) and Critical Mass (the Netherlands) are all organizations that work with youth in the broad area of peacebuilding, social change and community building. The four have a longstanding partnership, some work already closely together for over 7 years.
Each summer we organize a common international training to exchange our experiences with one another and gain new tools and methods to work with during the year from an external or internal trainer.
The past year we have had training in all partner countries on topics such as “theatre of the oppressed”, “art and peacebuilding” and “(new) media and peacebuilding”. This year we meet with from 18 until 28 July in Voeren, Belgium to have a training by Hector Aristazabal.
The training is called “Community work with youth struggling with their identity and collective trauma’s in multicultural societies” and it is funded by the “Youth in Action-programme” from the European Union.