As I observe with awe the ways in which ImaginAction has been evolving into a hub of art practitioners I feel deeply moved and inspired to continue my localized work in Colombia. Our project Reconectando is once again offering laboratories in different areas of Colombia bringing together ex-combatants, victims and …
I am deeply moved and inspired by this new transition of ImaginAction and the creative energy and input coming through all of us. We are the vessels and the midwives of the new world that is emerging. In the meantime I continue my work with Reconectando here in Colombia and …
“what I didn’t know at the time was that I was somehow training myself for something I never thought possible at the time, which was to be able to return to my country, Columbia, and to continue using theatre as a way to create dialogue.” Colombian theatre practitioner Hector Aristizabal …
Héctor Aristizábal estará participando en estos diálogos de memoria y reconciliación en la Ciudad de Cúcuta, Colombia con la presentación de su obra “Viento Nocturno” el Viernes 17 de Noviembre y la realización de un taller de teatro para la reconciliación con diferentes grupos de la región el Jueves …
“International Gathering on Rights of Passage in the Wilderness“ Hector Aristizabal will be participating in the: “International Gathering on Rights of Passage in the Wilderness“ that will take place from Sunday,September 10th to Saturday, September 16th in Koenigsdorf in Bavaria in Southern Germany near Munich. Dear international community, We, …
Shamanic Healing and Ritual Theater Genova Italy We invite you to join us in a path of introspection and discovery throughout the course of a three day work. During this period we will attend two Sacred Ceremonies with medicinal plants lead by Francesco Tesini in collaboration with Carolina Burini and …
As our world is becoming increasingly turbulent, this workshop invites us to look into our own experiences and awaken the wisdom in our individual and collective psyche. In this changing world we can ground ourselves by connecting to the messages available in our own life and to awaken what has …
Con mucho entusiasmo hacemos el lanzamiento de esta ilusionante propuesta, que estamos organizando desde el Centro de Psicología Althea, en colaboración con Espacio Espiral, Espacio Raíces, y Escena Miriñaque. Ofrecemos la posibilidad de hacer un taller en Cantabria con Héctor Aristizabal, para que las personas interesadas tengan la oportunidad de …
TALLER DE TEATRO FORO Y LA FIGURA DEL JOKER CON HECTOR ARISTIZABAL En este taller exploraremos el proceso básico de creación de una obra de teatro foro con una comunidad de personas sin experiencia actoral previa. La creación del grupo, el uso del juego y la improvisación para exploración del …