Unlocking the power of imagination and storytelling to promote creativity, listening, sharing, and reconnection. *limited discounted early bird tickets are available. Write to urinoymeir@gmail.com “In the past, I wrote that to be human is to be a theater. I would now like to expand the concept: to be human is …
Mother Earth Wait. Wait. Don’t leave us alone in a world we have wrecked. A collaboration between Reconectando, ImaginAction and Work That Reconnects Network Reconectando, ImaginAction, and The Work That Reconnects Network collaborated on the 2nd of November, 2023. Ilaria Olimpico, Shyontoni Ghosh, Hector Aristizabal, and Uri Noy Meir, facilitated …
July 21st – July 23rd 2023 An applied theatre residency in Sicily This workshop and artistic residency are perfect for applied theatre professionals seeking to combine skill-building with a vacation in Italy. It focuses on exploring issues of connection with nature and climate change while working with youth groups in a polarizing …
A Guest post by Aman Kohli and Elisabeth Demeter Humans have been, are, and always will be a part of nature. No matter how much technology and automation we invent, we are still dependent on all the gifts nature offers. What we seem to have forgotten though, is the knowledge …
When we talk about applied theatre the question is, “applied to what?”. What or where is the area of society and lives where theatre could improve our lives. One answer is everywhen, everywhere, life skills we can draw from theatre could be helpful in almost every area of our personal …
Slowly but surely we in ImaignActionm collaborate with global partners to build and iterate a community-led Flexi- university model for future education. As an international and intercultural community of artists and social arts practitioners, we value a teaching-learning process which puts the learner and social action at the forefront of …
ImaginAction is happy to partner and support AtmanWay in the upcoming Earth WISDOM DIALOGUE DAY. Join us in this 24-hour online event that will take place on June 24, aimed at activating a new Dialogue for Humanity, sourced out of Wisdom, Love in Action, on a journey from Head to …
ImaginAction artists Ilaria Olimpico, Uri Noy Meir, Ron Bunzl and Debora Barrientos have all contributed with original practices and stories to be included at this year’s Global Forum organized by the Presencing Institute. We have long been enacting and implementing the Theory U framework in the context of social transformation …
In ImaginAction, we believe everyone can and should be able to express their true voice and inner and natural self. There are many pathways to discover and do that, ye in our core team’s experience, there is one method and philosophy which stands out in particular, the Roy Hart Theatre …
Looking back from the future, we might as well see the COVID-19 to be the global turning point, which forever changed how to relate to ourselves in global citizens of an inter-connected and complex world. As we are re-learning ways to connect in new possibilities can emerge. My dear mentor, …