Le immagini schiudono infinite storie da raccontare. Polisemiche ed evocative, aprono le porte dell’immaginazione. Segue una raccolta di testi scelti dal blog TheAlbero ispirati dalla pratica che combina linguaggio visuale/fotografia partecipativa e storytelling/scrittura creativa. “Immagini e Storie” può essere considerato il seme che ha dato vita a TheAlbero. Nel 2012 …
Communitas was a Latin term that referred to the ideal of community and the spirit of coming together in solidarity. It was also the name of an experience-research project by the art collective TheAlbero. The project aimed to bring together people who wanted to rekindle their lost relationship with nature …
https://vimeo.com/773261342/045a101d5c COB I – Conference of Beings* I am the Soil, I am the Earth, I am the Mother Earth, I am your Mother. And we are related. I am soft and warm when I am the sand of the beach, the sand of the desert. I am white …
The play is not just a play but also a playfulness. It is through playing that we can return to our inner child and gain a deeper understanding of the present moment and what is needed for a life-sustaining culture. Brazilian Augusto Boal, in his Theatre of the Oppressed, suggests …
TheAlbero is an artistic collective born from the work of ImaginAction social arts facilitators Uri Noy Meir and Ilaria Olimpico and that uses theatre and art as tools for personal and social transformation. It is follow our believes in the healing power of theatre as a ritual and aims to …
“Stories that reconnect” online workshops have taken place since the beginning of the first lockdown in Italy (March 2020). This format is evolving in a living method for social arts online, integrating narration, visual language, embodiment, and creative writing. It has its roots in Social Presencing Theatre, Aesthetic of the …
Since 2010, ImaginAction (imaginaction.org) creative director Hector Aristizábal and co-facilitator Alessia Cartoni have opened up their international social theatre workshops to apprentices from around the world. The interns are able to participate in diverse community projects, experience methodologies including Theatre of the Oppressed, Playback Theatre, Theatre of Witness, council circle, and ritual. They also share living space, reflection on …
The kinaesthetic process entitled “Images and Stories”, is rooted in the Aesthetics of the Oppressed as envisioned by Augusto Boal. It follows on the footstep of Boal’s earlier work with Newspaper Theatre “Images and Stories” to facilitate transformative reflective process of collective sense-making. The process emerges from the action research of …
Article by Ilaria Olimpico I am deeply concerned about the polarization of narrations and the spread of conspiracy theory, or better to call them “conspiracy fantasies“.The pandemic and the election of Biden are now, of course, the focus of the public attention and at the centre of the polarization.It is …
The Lockdown in Italy in March gave me the possibility to “pause”. I took the time to imagine new possibilities to connect and work. That is how the workshop online “Stories that reconnect” was born. In the beginning, it was a prototype and an invitation to connect from a distance …