A journey into the Forum Theatre process with The Pasadena Playhouse and ImaginAction
With partner organization ImaginAction, The Playhouse co-created two community-devised Forum Plays. This video documents the first Forum Play devised during our first year of a new initiative titled Mi Historia, Mi Manera, which aims to increase arts participation amongst Latina/o adults. During our first year, we co-created 17 workshops with the Latino/a community using Theatre of the Oppressed and Forum Theatre, a practice of using theatre techniques to promote social and political change. The community devised bi-lingual play Estamos Aqui… Where Do We Go? included 13 community members as performers and it culminated with 4 public performances at different community centers throughout Northwest Pasadena throughout March, 2015.
ImaginAction is led by international artist, Hector Aristizabál, who travels the world providing Theatre of the Oppressed, Theatre of Witness, and Playback Theatre workshops to help communities heal and rebuild.